Dictionary Attack / Bruteforce Attack

Dictionary Attack (DA)
Bruteforce Attack (BA)
For over thousands of years your enemies(friend, co-worker, family…) have been spying on you to access anything about you which is vital to your life be it medical records, business blueprint, credit card account, and your international passport….) So as to used it against you.
But you guess what? There’s a key to access your life door. What it is? a “Password”. But you failed to setup your password very well simply because you love something easy to memorize and remember but your enemies have set up a trap on you, Sometimes they chat to themselves like, “I USUALLY USED THE LAST FOUR DIGIT OF MY PHONE NUMBER AS MY PASSWORD”
Hmmmm…. I would like you to give response on this question.
A minute breaks!!!
Huh!, I believe you’ll respond with your perspective based on the kind of Password you’re using. But millions of password has been breached based on ”I CAN NOT KILL MYSELF ON USING ALONG PASSWORD”. And using the same password on different Mission-Critical Accounts. So where are we going I want to hack into your account without knowing your password but I will guessing it right for thousands of trials and ghost you out of the account. -BA
I looked up into my dictionary and search for some familiar words or vocabularies that is not commonly used within the entities, you know what I have designed a program which includes English Words from A — Z to test run the words on your password with a less trials i ghost you out of the account and it’s become mine. -DA
First of all I will make used of kali Linux also used the Crunch tool for my password list, we also have kali linux password list which contains about 14 million of password “rockyou.txt”.
to access the password lisf of linux:
root@linux: /usr/share/wordlists $ head -10 rockyou.txt
but this will only print out 10 password .
Here we go!!!
$ crunch 1 11 Password123 -o /root Desktop/Wordlist.txt
1 — is the minimum character
11 — is the maximum character
,-o Output Wordlist.txt -pattern
The above code will generate a set of password by permutating and combination of it. Then after this you need some tools to fulfil this task like using (HASHCAT, HYDRA, Ncrack…)
This is just a brief about DA/BA just for educational purpose only.
Thanks for reading……
Written: Abdul Basit Rotimi